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Natural Energy Drinks

More Energy. More Alert.
No Caffeine Crash!
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Mind-fx Natural Energy Drinks

Mind-fx Natural Energy drinks are the brainchild of a team comprising a pro gamer and a pro motorcross rider.  Both were looking for an edge.  More alertness. More energy.  Quicker reaction times.

But not from high caffeine drinks which caused anxiety and a crash. Years of research led to the creation of Mind-fx performance drinks which provide all the benefits of an energy drink...without the jittery mind and body that comes from overloading with caffeine and other stimulants.

Active ingredients include Vitamin B12, Rhodiola Rosea, Ginkgo Biloba,Theobromine, Organic Beet Powder combined with a low dose of caffeine.

Try it!  We're sure you'll love it!  

Real stories from real customers


MotoCross Rider

We use MFX when we hit the motocross track mostly..I have tried alot of products and nothing compares to MINDFX (ON AND OFF THE TRACK.) All I can say is it works.Not only do I ride more laps I also am alot smoother on the bike.Plain and simple..Try this product and you won't be disappointed..

Linda Eckert


Wow!!! My son turned me on to this fantastic product. I am sixty years old and my brain just is not like it used to be. Taking the MindFX has really help me with energy, focus and even peace of mind and mood. This is truly an exciting product and I am spreading the word.

Richard McLachlan

BMX Bike Racer

I was looking for something that could pick me up, keep me going, without the shakes and coffee crash that comes with coffee. This stuff is for real.

Peter Cocking

IC Nurse

I often work late shifts and have to scrub in for emergency surgery. Coffee gives me the shakes and is terrible long term. Mind-fx drinks are fantastic. I'm alert, I'm energized without the downside of overloading on caffeine

Michael Cayonan

Personal Trainer

I loved traditional energy drinks, but after suffering with Kidney problems was advised to stop using them. Mind-fx has filled the hole wonderfully. I wish i had found them first!

Do you have any questions?

What is a Natural Energy Drink?

An energy drink that doesn't rely on mega doses of stimulants to provide energy, instead, providing a combination mind and body supporting ingredients to maximise concentration and alertness.  

So are Mind-fx energy drinks caffeine free?

Not caffeine free - just not solely relying on caffeine as the active ingredient.  Too much caffeine leads to the jitters, anxiety and crashes.  You'll be alert, but unable to trust your judgement to make fast, quality decisions.  Mind-fx natural energy drinks contain a small amount of caffeine to give you a pick me up, but the bulk of the work is done by our other scientifically proven ingredients that maximise alertness, wellbeing, focus and energy.

What is the biggest benefit of Natural Energy Drinks

You can use them every day.  They have all the positives of stimulant based energy drinks without the downsides.  They are brain and body supportive.

Who uses Natural Energy Drinks?

Our customers include Pro Gamers who want the alertness with the anxiety and bad decision making that comes from too much coffee or red bull, athletes who who want the fast reaction times, without the anxiety, even medical personnel who need to be alert and focused, without a hint of a hand tremor.
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